Our Team. Why Choose Us?

A Team of Masters .

A team of experts, of Masters. Creating success is hard. The creative process is one of many trials and failures. Thinking Differently requires years of experience. Creating Experiences requires years of experience. Success requires years of experience. Years. Of. Experience.

We have over 35 years of experience designing everything from custom homes and estates to world renowned resorts, theme parks and a king’s palace. We Think Differently. We Create Experiences. We Succeed.

Tu Xue Lin | 屠雪临

Vice President, Architecture

Trey Frank

Vice President, Planning

Thelma Muro-Dittes

Vice President, Project Management

Juan Mayans-Boom

Vice President, New Technologies

Alex Mayans

Vice President, Creative Production

Lily Yang | 杨丽

Vice President, Branding + Marketing

Lily Sun | 孙丽

Vice President, Research + Financial Analysis

Wucai Liang | 梁無猜

Branding + Marketing

Why Choose Us?

We Listen. We Think .

Listen. Rearrange the pieces. Rethink. Incorporate proven new technologies. Make it better. Understand the goals.

We Create Experiences .

Experience sells. Experience is the stuff that life is made of. The principles of experience design make magic. Magic makes money.

Because Success Matters .

Succeed. Successful projects are those that are approved, built, well-loved and profitable— they make Memories. They make Money. Our focus is creating success for YOU. Succeed.

Happy Clients
Amazing Projects
Awards Won

Think Differently .

Rearrange the pieces. Rethink. Incorporate proven new technologiesMake it better.

Create Experiences .

Experience sells. Experience is the stuff that life is made of. The principles of experience design

Succeed .

Success matters. Successful projects are those that are approved, built, well-loved and profitable— 

We're Trusted by the Best .